Friday, November 10, 2006

DIGG!! All the News you can handle

I get lots of content off of If you are not familiar with digg, you should be. Its a site where people come to share the news that they have found out and depending on what people think about,they can "dig" it or "bury"it if they choose. The more "digs" the higher rating the story will get, so topics that draw the most interest are the easiest to spot. There are also some GREAT features which are really cool ways of watching the way that the system works. Under the Digg Labs link you can choose to watch it in Swarm or Stack. They are very difficult to describe so check them out. This site is FULL of awesome stuff, so stay with it and really see what it has to offer. Becoming a member is free as well, who dosnt love free....come on!
Its a simple idea that Kevin Rose and friends have turned into a internet phenomenon that should not be over-looked by anyone.

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